Roy Schneider



If I Was a Teacher for a Day

Oh my!  This is the coolest thing… I get to be a teacher for a day.  The principal said that “Roy, you’re a good student and you get to be a teacher for a day.”  I was nervous I couldn’t help it.  I thought what I could do.  Then I knew it. I knew that children that don’t like school would say, “ We’re going to have a game day and watch videos and eat candy.  But I am different I will be a real teacher.  I will teach math, reading, science, social studies, and morning work.  Showing them that that it can be really fun as well. Like in math: it is fun because you learn how you are supposed to get your change and you don’t get tricked. You count subtract, and a lot more! The important thing about it is that when you grow up you will need to know about that stuff. About reading it is fun that your imagination gets bigger like when you read you can visualize (Mr. K. it is a good time for you to put on that big smile of yours.) so were was I? How ya I remember now when you are reading you can visualize what is happening when it has no pictures. The thing that is fun about science is that you can experiment when you don’t know something you can learn about it with an experiment. There are a lot more fun things you can find to do at school and that are what I will do when I become a teacher for a day. What would you do?