Roy's comments at Chabad in honor of Joey Gaals Bar Mitzvah

       Greetings everyone, I would like to take the opportunity to congratulate my brother, Joey Gaal Schneider on becoming a Jewish man adult on this day. It is astounding how far Joey has come since he started working with this hefty haftorah. I remember him starting out with slow and non rhythmic reading like most of us, but he truly achieved to please us all with his natural musical flow.  

       I can remember myself in this position about two and a half years ago, reading my own Bar Mitzvah speech. The thought of Joey being in the same situation that I have experience not so long ago has reminded me that even though I am older, I am only ahead of him by a little bit. This is my way of saying to you, Joey, that whenever you get to places in life that make you uneasy, whether it’s the first day of high school or dealing with panicky parents while you first start driving, I have been there only two and a half years ago and I will always be there for all your firsts as your big brother, with any help and support needed.


Mazel Tov Joey!

Love Roy